Sunday, 30 December 2012

Woman with White Cat

"Woman With" has a white puss-cat in Linnyland.
"Woman with White Cat"
oil on cradled wood
6 x 6

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Woman with Callas

Wishing you peace, love, light & joy
for the holidays and throughout the new year.
"Woman with Callas"
oil on wood
6 x 6

Friday, 21 December 2012

"West Coast Light" SOLD

It's here!
Happy Winter Solstice!!
Happy return of the light!
Now, I'm off to the Linny-Lore lists, (see previous post).
This Linnyland lighthouse was
started at the 2012 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria's
Annual House Tour. 
"West Coast Light", 24x12, oil on canvas
Private Collection
Calgary AB Canada/Playa Del Carmen QR Mexico

#LinnyDVine #Linnyland #AGGV #TrialIslandLight #lighthouse

Monday, 17 December 2012

New Moon & Lighthouse

Only four more days
 until Winter Solstice...and then the return
 of the LIGHT!
(According to Linny-Lore,
 it's tradition to celebrate Winter Solstice
in this way: write a list of what 
you'd like to leave behind along with the darkness, 
then write another list of what you'd like to welcome into
your life along with the return of the light.)
And speaking of light, here is the Brockton Point Lighthouse,
 in Stanley Park,  in Vancouver BC, 
"New Moon & Lighthouse"
oil on canvas
20 x 10

Friday, 14 December 2012

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Woman with Orange Cat

Another little "Woman with...".
(When I surfaced one morning "Woman" was 
in my mind's eye, here she is again.)
"Woman with Orange Cat"
oil on cradled wood
6 x 6

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Summer on the Big Lake

As the Christmas cards arrive
I'm enjoying a summertime flashback
to an August Linnyland swimming, painting,
 swimming, picnicking,
swimming, boating, 
swimming adventure
 at Cowichan Lake.
"Summer on the Big Lake"
oil on cradled wood panel
8 x 10

Friday, 23 November 2012

Downtown Date SOLD

This one started (way back in July) when the
 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria invited me
 to participate in their first ever Paint-In the Square, 
(in honor of the city of Victoria's 150th Anniversary).
The event's on site coordinator and all round fantastic guy,
 Ben Fast, recorded his take on the day here .
The building in this painting is Victoria's City Hall, 
which is beside the "Paint-In the Square's", 
Centennial Square. As I painted the building
 these two figures appeared on the canvas.
(Linnyland paintings evolve to include 
whatever shows up on the canvas while I paint.)
 And, I just learned that beautiful Melanie listened carefully
 as I explained how this sort of thing occurs in 
Linnyland paintings, with her kind words she has
 described it here 
I love her description,"heart-centered", 
which has me thinking of how fortunate
 I am to enjoy heart connections
 with art blog buds like you!
To all of you on my blog roll, 
(and others who check in here)
 thank-you for your blog budness,
 your heart connections
 and your beautiful art, too!
"Downtown Date"
oil on canvas
30 x 20
Private Collection 
Ottawa ON 


Sunday, 18 November 2012

Party Clouds

What do you paint 
when you go on
 a Linnyland painting adventure 
with your friend 
on your friend's birthday?
"Party Clouds"
oil on cradled wood 
5 x 7

Friday, 9 November 2012

Linnyland and Chocolate!!

Linnyland and Chocolate
together in one Collector Art Tin!!
Yes, Roger's Chocolates 
loves "Afternoon Adventure"(s)
in Linnyland! 
And you can, too!
(Rogers' Chocolates ships worldwide.)
*In Linnyland chocolate is calorie free. 
Collector Art Tin: "Afternoon Adventure", © Linny D. Vine 2012

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Little Red Boathouse

One more from September's Saltspring (Salt Spring) Island
blackberry picking, lake swimming, Linnyland painting adventure.
"Little Red Boathouse"
oil on wood
8 x 6 

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Rabbit Riding

Perhaps, somewhere along the way, 
you spotted lucky, little 
"Rabbit Riding"
Tubac, Arizona for the 
Grand New Gallery Opening
"Rabbit Riding"
oil on canvas
10 x 5

Monday, 15 October 2012

Lake Life SOLD

This little one is from September's Saltspring (Salt Spring) Island
 blackberry picking, lake swimming, Linnyland painting adventure.
"Lake Life"
oil on cradled wood
5 x 7

Monday, 8 October 2012

Top of the Crop

It's a glorious, colorful, shorts wearing, breaky on the decky, 
warm enough for lake swimming long weekend
 and not just in Linnyland either!
This one is from a recent paint in the 
peninsula pumpkin fields Linnyland adventure with 
fellow, fellow harvest artist Jeffrey J. Boron.
"Top of the Crop"
oil on cradled wood
9 x 12
Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Columbus Day, too!

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Summertime Adventure SOLD

Let's all go to Linnyland...
at the Sooke Harbour House Art Gallery
 September 26 - October 29 2012
"An exciting selection of warm and wonder-filled paintings by Linny D. Vine."
Happy Adventuring!
"Summertime Adventure"
oi on canvas
24 x 12

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Lum's SOLD

Last Sunday this little (from a few whiles ago) Linnyland Lum's 
went home with a Linnyland Collector where it re-joins  
another Linnyland painting of another corner store,
 the Turner's building; 
"September Memory".
acrylic on canvas
16 x 16

Monday, 10 September 2012

Art Gallery of Greater Victoria House Tour 2012

Yesterday was the annual 
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria House Tour 
where I was invited to paint at one of the six beautiful  homes. 
It was a spectacular day with a HUGE amount
 of people and a HUGE amount of fun!
(Thank-you to the AGGV Gallery Associates, 
the volunteers, the home owners and all of those who toured
 for a wonderfully successful day!!)
"Victoria’s premier house tour since 1953, organized by the Gallery Associates.
  From elegant historical to eclectic contemporary, 
six unique homes will intrigue you this year. 
A leading local artist working on location at each house."
Painting in progress:
"a long and leaner Linnyland lighthouse"
photo credit: Mary ellen Threadkell

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Art Gallery of Greater Victoria's 25th Annual Moss Street Paint-In!!

Thank-you to all 35,000 art lovers 
(plus volunteers, organizers and fellow artists) 
who visited Linnyland at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria's 
25th Annual Moss Street Paint-In - it was wonderful
 to share the the day with all of you!!

Sunday, 15 July 2012

"Spot in Gastown" SOLD

From a Linnyland adventure to Vancouver's Gastown 
and in front of the "Linnyismed" Hotel Europe,
 (built in 1909 in the "flatiron style").
Once upon quite a few whiles ago, when I lived in Vancouver,
 I'd frequent the incredible  "Salamugndi's" business
located at  street level in this building - it was
 full of everything amazing and more...very Linnyland!!
"Spot in Gastown", oil on canvas, 24 x 12
Private Collection
Oaklands BC Canada

Friday, 6 July 2012

Swiftsure Sunday SOLD

Here's one for "Freedom Friday" from an
"a few whiles ago Linnyland painting adventure".
(The 2012 Swiftsure race, around the corner from Witty's Lagoon.)
"Swiftsure Sunday"
oil on wood
6 x 8
to a new Linnyland Collector in Prince George BC Canada!

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Big Sky - Burgoyne Bay

This is another one from a recent Salt Spring Island
 Linnyland painting adventure.
From my Burgoyne Bay/Linnyland hayfield perspective the sky
 appeared to be framed by Mount Maxwell on one side
 and Mount Sulivan on the other and 
 what I really wanted to do was lay on my back and paint
 the amazing sky. Or I did, until the rain started to POUR down and easel, painting, pallet, brushes, backpack and painter performed an awkward but fast waltz for cover within good old Vinny Van Go.
"Big Sky - Burgoyne Bay"
oil on wood
11 x 14

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

White River Bird House SOLD

"White River Bird House" is a recent commission
 by a new Linnyland collector 
who lives on the White River in Arkansas.
I had great fun working on this one and
 J. from Arkansas says, "It is all I imagined it would be, wonderful!"
"White River Bird House"
oil on canvas
30 x 20 

to a Linnyland Collector in Arkansas USA

Monday, 18 June 2012

"Zigzagger" SOLD

"Z" is for "Zigzagger"
In Linnyland there's a Linnyism that 
goes something like this; 
"Zigzagging in life and other adventures
 tends to be much more interesting (and more fun)
 than travelling in a straight line."
(And, as you are here now and reading this, you 
may very well be a zigzagger, too!)
oil on wood
5 x 5

Friday, 15 June 2012

In Linnyland "Y" is for why not?! And, because of that,
 "Y" is also for "Yellow Dog on a Pogo Stick". 
"Yellow Dog on a Pogo Stick"
acrylic on canvas
10 x 5

Thursday, 14 June 2012

XXSmall Belfry SOLD

In Linnyland  it's possible that 
"X" is for "XXSmall Belfry" ...
and XXAnything & XXEverything else
that we'd like.
"XXSmall Belfry
oil on canvas
2 x 2

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Woman with White Flowers SOLD

Here, in Linnyland, "W" is for "Woman with White Flowers".
And wonder and wisdom and wonderful and weird
 and why not? again.
"Woman with White Flowers"
oil on cradled wood'
6 x 6

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Very Small Volkswagon Van SOLD

In Linnyland, "V" is for "Very Small Volkswagon Van"
... and variety...
"Very Small Volkswagon Van"
oil on canvas
2 x 2

Friday, 8 June 2012

Unicorn & Rainbow SOLD

It may very well be that in Linnyland  "U" is for 
"Unicorns, rainbows and faerie dust...
"Unicorn & Rainbow
oil on canvas
3 x 3

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Teeny-Tiny Turner's SOLD

"T" is for "Teeny-Tiny Turner's"
and this is the teeny-tiniest Turner's
 ever created in Linnyland
 - and that's the truth!
"Teeny-Tiny Turner's"
oil on canvas
4 x 4

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Studio Cat

"S" is for "Studio Cat" ( & in Linnyland it's for smiles, too).
"Studio Cat"
acrylic on canvas
24 x 12

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Rabbit Riding

In Linnyland "R" is for "Rabbit Riding"  - REALLY!
"Rabbit Riding"
oil on canvas
10 x 5

Monday, 4 June 2012

Queen of the Bumblebees

Just back from a Linnyland painting adventure on Saltspring 
(or) Salt Spring Island and on with "A" to Izzard... 
As well as quirk, "Q" is for "Queen of the Bumblebees".
"Queen of the Bumblebees"
oil on canvas
6 x 6

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

"Pool Pals"

In Linnyland "P" is for "Pool Pals" and perhaps one shouldn't  
mention "P" and "Pool" in the same sentence (did I say that?)
 but ... 
I love my pool pals!
("P" is for peace ... play, too... and we do.)
"Pool Pals"
oil on canvas
6 x 12

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Once Upon a Prairie Evening (sometimes known as Prairie Evening)

And because we're in Linnyland, where anything is possible,
"O" is for "Once Upon a Prairie Evening" (otherwise known as "Prairie Evening".)
(And, "P" could be for pretend or it could be for prairie evening but it's neither of those...)
"Once Upon a Prairie Evening"
oil on canvas
20 x 10

Monday, 28 May 2012

Neon Dawn Lighthouse SOLD

"N" is for "Neon Dawn Lighthouse". 
And, for a bit of Linnyland mouth twisting fun,
 try to say "Neon Dawn" quickly... let's hear that again?
"Neon Dawn Lighthouse"
oil on wood
8 x 6

Friday, 25 May 2012

Magnolia Mansion, Moon & Marmalade Cat

"M" is for "Magnolia Mansion, Moon & Marmalade Cat" and
 a weekend full of merriment and mirth frommmmm Linnyland to you!
"Magnolia Mansion, Moon & Marmalade Cat"
oil on canvas
20 x 10

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Long Ago SOLD

"L" is for Linnyland, LOVE, Laughter,
  Linnyism, (& Linnyisms) and "Long Ago....
and ... Last  week to visit "From A to Izzard in Linnyland
 at She Said Gallery...
Lah, Lah, Lah.....Lah, Lah!!!
"Long Ago"
oil on canvas
24 x 12

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Kindred Spirit - Kingfisher SOLD

In Linnyland "K" is for "Kindred Spirit - Kingfisher" 
and kindness!!
"Kindred Spirit - Kingfisher"
oil on wood
7 x 5

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Joy Boy SOLD

In Linnyland "J" is for joy... Joy, and more JOY!!!
 "J" is for "Joy Boy", too!
"Joy Boy"
oil on canvas
3 x 3

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