Saturday 31 December 2016

HaPpY 2017!!

HaPpY New Year from Linny & Linnyland!!

Thank-you for being part of Linnyland's 
Thank-you for all of your support, you wonderful Linnyland enthusiasts; 
all the Fine Art Galleries that represent my work 
and all of the many Linny/Linnyland/D Vine Collectors 
AND all of your Commissions, too!! 
Feeling extremely grateful for a phenomenal year!!
Wishing everyone a safe and happy new year's eve and 
many wild and wonderful adventures for 2017...

(Linny Lore" "The odd ones are always the best!")

#LinnyDVine #Linnyland #JOYJOYJOY #Gratitude #Wild #Wonderful #Adventures #Happy2017

Friday 23 December 2016

Wishing you...

Wishing you peace, love, light & joy 
for the holidays and throughout the new year.

Merry Merry and Happy Adventuring in 2017! 

~ with love and JOYJOYJOY, Linny

"Winter Classic" ©Linny D. Vine

Thursday 22 December 2016

"Three on the Salish Sea"

Winter Solstice was all sunny and bright and full of LIGHT 
for the Traditional Winter Solstice 
Linnyland Painting Adventure - UNTIL the paint was 
squeezed out on the pallette!!
Still, it was a JOYJOYJOY 
to be out in Nature, on the edge of the Salish Sea, amongst the Otters, 
Eagles, Kingfishers and the Looky-Lou Puppers!!
 "Three on the Salish Sea", 8x6, oil on wood, @Linny D. Vine

Linny D. Vine - Annual Winter Solstice Linnyland Painting Adventure 2016

#LinnyDVine #Linnyland #FineArt HappyWinterSolstice #Magic 
#LinnyLoreAndTradition #Light #Nature #Wonders #Creative #SalishSea 
#ReturnOfTheLight #WinterSolstice #PaintingsWithOttersEaglesandKingfishers 
#LookyLouPuppers #GraftonStreet #Joy #Adventure #Freedom #Fun 

Tuesday 13 December 2016

"Full Moon Light"

HaPpY FULL COLD MOON from Linnyland!!
"Full Moon Light", 24x8, oil on canvas, ©Linny D. Vine

#LinnyDVine #Linnyland #FullColdMoon #FullMoon #Light #Lighthouse 
#LighthousePainting #FineArt #JoyandLight #Adventure 
#Freedom #Joy #JOYJOYJOY
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