Sunday 31 July 2011

"West Coast Adventure in Linnyland"

"West Coast Adventure in Linnyland" opens tomorrow! The Sooke Harbour House Gallery welcomes you on an adventure to visit the meadows, flora, forests, lakes, rivers &  sea shores
of Linnyland.
Reception with artist: Sunday, August 7th 1:00 to 3:00 pm

Thursday 21 July 2011

Moss Street Paint-In 2011

It was a Moss Street Miracle!
No, unfortunately the Parasol Model didn't make an appearance,
but there were about 30,000 other parasol models that did
because the 24th annual Art Gallery of Greater Victoria event
started out with rain pouring from the July sky.
(Setting up was funny/scary -
all squishy and cramped under a water proof tent.)
But then the miracle; the rain stopped,
the crowds of art lovers appeared, the sky continued to clear,
the paintings came out from under the tent (so did the painter)
and the sun came out as well!!
Thank-you to all of the visitors to Linnyland; friends, patrons, volunteers, organizers, fellow artists, Looky Lous, Looky Louises,
and everyone who did the sun dance with me, too. You're all
part of the miracle and success of
the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria's Moss Street Paint-In 2011
and I loved connecting with all of you!!
(Once the Paint-In had ended it poured rain again. Happily, I was homeward bound within Vinnie Van Go...)
Credit for the above "Linny photos" go to Jeffrey Boron who snapped the rainy set up shot. Check out his blog at & Sharon Churchill who came by for a visit. Check out her blog at

~ And remember, it's always sunny and warm in Linnyland!!

Monday 11 July 2011

The Parasol Model

I'm busy getting ready for the
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria's
24th Annual Moss Street Paint-In.
"Celebrate the Gallery's art festival this Saturday
and join the fun...
over 100 invited artists bring their studios to Moss Street!"
The above painting was inspired by the lovely young woman
with it all (including a parasol) that wandered by
my "street studio"during last year's Paint In.
I'm hoping that she attends again this year
and recognizes herself in this painting.
If you know who she is please tell her that
she can see "her painting" and
stop by for a visit with me in Linnyland
at 107 Moss Street
(between Faithful and May).
"The Parasol Model"
oil on canvas
16 x 8

Friday 8 July 2011

Roadside Distraction

On Canada Day evening I enjoyed another
of my swallows swooping Linnyland hayfield painting adventures.
Then home in time to watch the fire works...oooh...ahhh!!!
"Roadside Distraction"
oil on wood panel
8 x 10

Saturday 2 July 2011

Summer Day - Turner's SOLD

This Linnyland version of the Turner's building
wanted to be painted in Flamingo colors!
(The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria's
Small Works Exhibition and Sale opens today.)
"Summer Day - Turner's"
oil on canvas
6 x 6

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