Sunday 21 September 2014

"The Double Umbrella Cabin"

Another from a recent 
Linnyland painting/swimming adventure 
on Saltspring/Salt Spring Island.
From the middle of the lake,
where an Osprey circled and visited during my swim, 
I could see a little blue cabin that I thought I'd like to paint.
But later, when I set up to paint, I discovered that 
there was a tree that blocked the view
of the fine little blue cabin. So, this is
somewhat of "a recollection of that cabin, 
combined with moving a different cabin 
down the mountain side and closer to the lake, 
plus the addition of a couple of yellow striped
 straight out of Linnyland umbrellas type of painting". 
*And, just for a "fun" challenge 
I thought, "I'll forgo using any red paint";
whenever I try this, 
(and all the while that I paint),
my inner voice screams out,
"The Double Umbrella Cabin"
oil on wood
10 x 8

Wednesday 17 September 2014

"Cusheon Lake Colors"

Just home from a Saltspring/Salt Spring Island 
Linnyland swimming/painting/swimming/painting/
swimming/swimming/swimming/swimming adventure... 
this one was from the very end of the day with
 a view of the very end of the lake, 
at the (almost) very end of summer. 
It was so dark while I packed my paints 
that the bats were already swooping and 
the little tree frog was headed
out for the night...
"Cusheon Lake Colors" 
oil on wood
8 x 6

Friday 5 September 2014

Wolf Brewing Company's "Black & Tan and the Linnyland VW Van"!!

"A New Adventure" & something to HOWL about:
Wolf Brewing Company's BLACK & TAN is sporting
the Linnyland Volkswagen VAN!!
(Original painting, "A New Adventure", 36 x 36, 
is available through West End Gallery, Victoria BC CANADA)

"Black & Tan and the Linnyland Volkswagen Van":

Linnyland's "A New Adventure" image licensed by 
Wolf Brewing Company, Nanaimo BC Canada:

Remember, don't drink and drive OR drink and dive.

Thank-you for a new adventure for 
"A New Adventure", Wolf Brewing Company!
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