Saturday 30 October 2010

Evening Sky - Highrock

This little one is from a few whiles ago.
I was at Highrock Park in the late afternoon
and the pillowcase clouds lined up in a row
and said, "Hey, Linny, paint us!"
"Evening Sky - Highrock Park"
(plein air)
oil on wood panel
6 x 8

Saturday 23 October 2010

High Hopes

This one is the latest from
my grain elevator series
(these old wooden buildings are one of my
few memories of the prairies).
This one is a "sunny side of the tracks,
long and leaner".
Thanks to Erik and the Skiff, Alberta elevator
for the inspiration.
"High Hopes"
oil on canvas
20 x 10

Monday 18 October 2010

Forest Gold

This is another from my
recent Cowichan River adventure.
"Forest Gold"
(plein air)
oil on wood panel
12 x 9

Monday 11 October 2010

Cowichan River Gold SOLD

Here, in Victoria BC, it's a beautiful,
sunny and warm day.
So warm that this morning I enjoyed
breakfast outside on the balcony - in October.
Happy Thanksgiving Day in Linnyland!
This painting is from another recent warm day adventure,
further north on Vancouver Island, along the Cowichan River.
Thanks to all of my friends and patrons
and land of blog buddies for all of your
comments and support.
Wishing you all a beautiful day, too!
"Cowichan River Gold"
oil on canvas
(plein air)
12 x 9

Sunday 3 October 2010

Rainbow Park Gold

This is another little one from
a recent road trip, painted in
the postcard beautiful Rainbow Park
at Alta Lake.
There I was surrounded by
beautiful mountains,
and yet, it was
trees that inspired me.
"Rainbow Park Gold"
oil on wood panel
6 x 8

Thanks and credit for the photo go to Jason Boron.

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