Sunday 27 February 2011

Prairie Evening

This is another in the Linnyland long and leaner
grain elevator series.
(As I've mentioned in earlier elevator posts,
these old giants are one my few memories of the prairies.)
This one is of the elevator in Mayerthorpe, Alberta.
Vancouver artist and blogger, Maxine Wolodko,
very kindly sent me photos of her hometown elevator.
Thank-you Maxine and Mayerthorpe!
"Prairie Evening"
oil on canvas
20 x 10

Monday 21 February 2011

The Little Mansion SOLD

This painting was commissioned
as a surprise gift for Valentine's Day.
It was great fun working on the details
and then fitting it all together
in linnyism Linnyland style!
"The Little Mansion"
acrylic on canvas
16 x 20

Monday 14 February 2011

January Morning - Fisgard Light SOLD

Happy Valentine's Day!
(...and may the first call for love from a Red - Winged Blackbird
be heard in your neighbourhood sometime soon...)
"January Morning - Fisgard Light"
oil on canvas
12 x 9

Thursday 10 February 2011

Little, Little Fisgard Light SOLD

This little, little lighthouse
is all about high in the sky Linnyland happiness.
"Little, Little Fisgard Light"
oil on canvas
12 x 6

Thursday 3 February 2011

Blossoms and Browsers

Sun Neen Fai Lok and Happy Year of the Rabbit!
This painting of Victoria's Chinatown
is from a few whiles ago.
When I go to Chinatown early in the day these
two petite elders are usually together
doing their morning shop.
Year of the Rabbit is said to bring luck, peace and tranquility.
"Blossoms and Browsers"
acrylic on canvas
30 x 24

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Warm Sunset - Fisgard Light SOLD

And, for Groundhog Day (and with the movie in mind),
here's another lighthouse painting.
I heard that the groundhog didn't see it's shadow today
and that means that spring is happening - soon!
"Warm Sunset- Fisgard Light"
oil on canvas
6 x 6


Tuesday 1 February 2011

Fisgard Light Sunset SOLD

During January I painted lighthouses.
Was I wanting more light? Was I needing to lighten up?
(How do I mean that?) The answers are yes, yes and yes!
So, more light...YES!
"Fisgard Light Sunset"
oil on canvas
6 x 6
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