Monday 29 May 2017

"Late May Light"

From a recent Red-winged Blackbird serenading, 
Barn Swallow swooping, Wild Rose Scented, 
Linnyland Painting Adventure...
"Late May Light", 
8x8, oil on canvas, ©Linny D. Vine, available

#LinnyDVine #Linnyland #Linnyism #LinnylandPaintingAdventures 
#FisgardLighthouse #LighthousePaintings #Salish Sea
#Freedom #Peace #Love #Light #Joy

Sunday 7 May 2017

Mini Linnys!!

A new fleet of "mini Linny" VW Buses 
ready to roll off the easel...
red, yellow, pink, and blue - all 2x2, 
and ready for you!! 
(©Linny D Vine)

#LinnyDVine #Linnyland #fineart #miniLinnypaintings
 #vwbus #vw#redyellowpinkandblue 
#2x2 #adventure #peace #love #Light #joy #freedom
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