Wednesday 27 April 2011

Full Moon Afternoon

This little one is from a recent Linnyland painting adventure

to Esquimalt's Fleming Beach on

the afternoon of the April full moon.

One of the names for the April full moon is "The Full Pink Moon".

According to Linny lore, during the full Pink Moon

anything is possible - think happy thoughts and believe...


"Full Moon Afternoon"

oil on canvas

6 x 8

Wednesday 20 April 2011

January Light

January light in April?
It's a mystery to me why I didn't get this one posted until now.
It's from a warm and sunny January painting adventure
at the top of Esquimalt's High Rock Park.
"January Light"
oil on canvas
9 x 12

Saturday 16 April 2011

Afternoon Light - East Sooke Park

This one is from my first painting adventure this spring.
(Yes, those are rusty rocks in the foreground!)
Last week fellow fellow painter, Jeffrey Boron,
and I enjoyed a semi-sunny, semi-warm afternoon
at the beautiful East Sooke Park.
"Afternoon Light - East Sooke Park"
oil on wood panel
8 x 10

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Buddha and Pieris SOLD

This painting (from several whiles ago) was inspired
by a visit to a beautiful little garden
during the special time in spring
when the new red leaves appear on the Pieris japonica plants and the garden air fills with the heavenly scent of their blossoms.
Wishes of hope and love for beautiful Japan.
"Buddha and Pieris"
acrylic on canvas
36 x 30

Saturday 9 April 2011

Biking by the Belfry SOLD

There's been a sighting of spring in Victoria!
(Two sunny days of in a row!!!)
"Biking by the Belfry"
oil on canvas
6 x 6

Saturday 2 April 2011

Race Rocks Sunset SOLD

The Race Rocks lighthouse
is on the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
From my studio window, on a clear day,
I can see across the Strait to the light and the Olympics.
(I'm able to see the lighthouse itself
even better with
the help of binoculars
and a little Linnyland imaginings.)
"Race Rocks Sunset"
oil on canvas
10 x 5

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