Tuesday, 21 December 2010

"Little, Little Lighthouse" (Race Rocks Lighthouse) SOLD

In honor of the winter solstice
here's a little light for everyone.
Happy Winter Solstice!
As of today we, in the northern hemisphere,
begin to experience an increasing amount of
daylight in every day.
According to Linny lore, the Winter solstice
is a day to release whatever
you'd like into the dark days of the past
and welcome whatever you'd like in to your life
along with the return of the light.
(I can see the Race Rocks Light from my studio window,
so, with a pair of binoculars and some Linnyland imaginings,
I welcomed this little painting into being.)
"Little, Little Lighthouse"
(Race Rocks Lighthouse)
oil on canvas
12 x 6


  1. Comme j'aimerais me retrouver dans cette petite maison, seule, pendant un certain temps pour peindre, peindre et peindre... oublier les aléas de la vie et se reconnaître...
    Cette toile est remplie d'énergie et de sérénité...
    Joyeuses fêtes à vous... Gros bisous

  2. Bonjour Martine Alison. May your wishes arrive along with the light. Happy painting and Happy Holidays to you!

  3. It is a wonderful light, too. I especially like that the sailboat is just approaching from the left.

    Yes, good advice. Letting go of all the unpleasant and dark moments of this last year and looking forward to better, light filled days.

    Best wishes to you, Linny. I'm hoping you have all that you dream of in the coming lightness.

  4. Your little light house doesn't appear so little! Love your imagination. It's filled with such a great spirit! Merry Christmas.

  5. Your lighthouse looks very powerful. I love the turquoise sky.

  6. Hello there Linny.... "The Keeper of Light"!Good for "You"... to choose to move into the Light... out of the shadow of dark thoughts!

    This "Little, Little" gem speaks of towering Hope... Whimsical warm thoughts... all the stuff of a Merry... Merry Christmas in Linnyland!

    Wishing "You continued Good Painting and...
    Warmest thoughts of this blessed Season!

  7. Melinda, thank-you for your comments and for your special wishes, too! Happy thoughts for you, Miz Queen of the Clouds!

  8. Thank-you, Cindy! Happy new year, too!

  9. Thank-you, Susan, and a merry belated Christmas and a happy,happy new year to you!

  10. Thank-you, Nancy, and Happy, Happy 2011 to you!

  11. Thank-you, Bruce and a merry belated to you and yours and all good wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2011 to you!


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